the league 2025
Angler profile

Darrel Robertson
NAME: Darrel Robertson
HOME LAKE: Grand Lake O’ The Cherokees
SOMETHING FANS MAY NOT KNOW: I believe that I am in a special niche in the world of professional anglers. A large percentage of pros fish full time, with no other job. I always said that I never wanted to completely depend on weighing in fish I to “pay the light bill”. I feel blessed in that I am one of very few “Pro- anglers” that has had and continues to have a successful career while owning and operating three other successful businesses, simultaneously. One of those is AST Storage Silo Tank Mfg., which has 100 employees. We manufacture (from raw steel) bolted steel tanks, up to 200′ feet in diameter and up to 100+ feet tall. These tanks hold water, waste water, and water for fire protection. They also can hold dry products, everything from frac-sand to poly pellets. We ship these tanks nationwide, as well as worldwide. We also own and operate Circle R Construction Co. This is a sister company, which consists of three crews who travel and do the erection of the tanks at the various job sites. Our third business is Circle R Farms Land & Cattle, which is a cow-calf operation, with approximately 100 mama cows. We grow and bale the hay for all the cattle. I realized several years ago that I’ve probably always been A.D.D. and was never diagnosed, so I need several jobs, at the same time. Ha Ha. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing…if we can just channel it in a positive way! I’m blessed in that most of our family (kids and grandkids) work in the businesses with us, and help in those successes. One of my biggest blessings is that I wake up every single morning and say I’m happy to get to go to work (never “have to”), whether it’s fishing, going to the plant, going to build a tank, working cattle or baling hay. All of these things are made possible because of God’s blessings. I’m Blessed, indeed!
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: The first Red Man tournament that came to Grand Lake (which was the first “draw-tournament that I ever fished), I came in third place and had “Big Bass” which was 8.4. Then the First Pro Tournament I fished was Anglers’ Choice came to Grand Lake. It had several B.A.S.S. anglers. I won that tournament and was $5,000. I thought that was pretty easy, so I fished that circuit the next year (1990) and was Angler of The Year. Next, I started fishing the B.A.S.S. and qualified for the Top 100’s that year. Then, I qualified for the Bassmaster Classic in 1996. I had several good finishes during those years (1991-1997). I started fishing FLW in 1997. In 1998 I qualified for the Championship. In 1999 I qualified for the Championship…and won it! 5 weeks later I fished the Ranger Millennium Tournament and won it! $860,000 in 5 weeks time! Almost one million dollars that year. In the Forrest Wood Cup that paid a million dollars for 1st place….I finished 2nd and won $100,000. I told Carol that it was no big deal…that Scott Suggs only won 1 decimal more than I did. Carol reminded me that it was sure a BIG decimal! Finally, I am truly thankful and blessed to have qualified for the NPFL Championship for 2024! And…to be the oldest angler to qualify for it!
SPONSOR ROSTER: Bass Cat boats, Mercury Motors, Garmin, Power Pole, AST Storage Tank & Silo Mfg., Steel Service, Circle R Land & Cattle, L & L Outdoors